I know, the title is pretty groan-worthy but I couldn't help myself. Sometimes I'm a VERY big dork!
My favorite summer show is starting soon! So You Think You Can Dance will be starting up right after Idol is over. After trying to move the show to the fall and failing BIG TIME, SYTYCD is back where it belongs, in the summer, and what I wouldn't give to have the story end there. I think the fall failure snapped something in Nigel's head which made him decide to change EVERYTHING. Instead of ten girl and ten guys making it to the big show, getting paired up and kicked off two at a time, there will only be a top ten - total. I don't think there's a gender quote but there could be. After that, the top ten are paired with SYTYCD All-Stars that specialize in a certain type of dancing (i.e. Pasha = ballroom) and are kicked off one at a time. The All-Stars are past contestants. Now, I love (most of) the past contestants and I'm looking forward to seeing them again but I'm going to miss falling in love with a whole new group of kids. I also think that I'm going to be watching the All-Stars more than the new dancers. Well, I'm powerless to do anything about it so I guess I'll just hope for the best!
OMG! Did you see Spike on "Lie to me"!! I miss him!! I guess I'll have to start watching that show. Can anyone tell me if he has a big role? Is he on every week? CRAP!! He just got shot and killed! Oh well!
Now, onto Idol!
Last night was a pretty lackluster night. I think a broader country theme instead of just Shania Twain would have turned out better performances. Her "songbook" seems a little shallow.
I don't think I could call any performance the best of the night but I'm sure going to call Siobhan the worst. That final shriek was ear splitting! I don't think she'll be going home but I wish she would.
I took a peek at the DialIdol numbers and it looks like Big Mike is going to be the big loser tonight. I have no problem with that. I'm not a fan and don't really dig his type of singing. I know that people out there do but I know of no one personally.
I think Casey's good looks will save him again but if he doesn't change it up and doing something exciting, I could see him leaving either next week or the week after.
Lee has a big fan base and will be safe until the top three and, most likely, the top two.
The big "surprise" last night was Crystal. She was good but not as good as she has been. She may have to suffer a trip to the bottom three to atone for that un-MamaSox worthy performance.
Last but not least is Aaron. If he doesn't leave tonight, I look for him to depart either next week or the week after. There's a real good chance that he picked up Tim's votes and he'll make it tonight and next week but I don't see him making it past that.
As usual, I'll be posting as the action happens on the East coast!
Rascal Flatts is up first so I'm guessing no group sing. Rascal starts off a little bad, got better on the chorus and then went bad again. I won't be getting this from iTunes tomorrow I can tell you that. Not my cup of tea.
Tonight is going to be VERY long.
Ford video vamps. Only slightly better then the other videos.
Now they're advertising Shriek XXII.
And it doesn't end. Now Camron and Antonio are on the Idol stage.
Results...FINALLY! Three groups of two time. Siobhan is first to get her recap and question and is sent to the far side of the stage.
Aaron is next and is sent to the center of the stage.
Big Mike is next with the recaps and question to Simon. Big Mike goes to the close side of the stage.
Lee is sent to join Siobhan.
Casey joins Big Mike.
Crystal joins Aaron in the middle.
I think Lee and Crystal have something going on.
Ryan is playing shuffle the Idols, puts Siobhan with Big Mike and Casey and pronounces them the bottom three.The others are safe.
Harry Connick, Jr. will be the mentor next week for Sinatra week!
Sons of Sylvia are up now and I'm pretty sure this isn't live. What I'm not sure of, is what's up with the sound? It's really bad. I'm not that excited about these guys but they do seem to have an 1980's flair that I could start digging.
Great. Now it's Lady Antebellum. I am so sick of this song. It's on XM20 ALL THE TIME.
HOLY CRAP! Now it's Rascal Flatts AGAIN but this time with Shakira. Will this night ever end??? NOW Ryan has to talk to her!
More results....no wait...more questions. *sigh*
Big Mike is save.
Could Siobhan REALLY be going home???
It's Siobhan going home!!!!
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!